
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DIY Industrial Style Coffee Table

I saw a similar coffee table like this for sale somewhere online, I think maybe it was Etsy.  Anyway, they were asking like 900$ for it.  I showed it to my boyfriend and he reluctantly agreed that it wouldn't be that hard to make ourselves.

We got all of the supplies at Home Depot, and since I didn't really have a plan going into it we ended up in the gas piping aisle pretty much building the coffee table right there!  Honestly none of the workers cared, they were more interested and curious than anything.  By doing it this way, I could adjust the pieces to see exactly what height, width, etc I wanted it to be.  They didn't even make us take it apart when we paid for it......not only that but I'm pretty sure the cashier lady missed about half of the pieces when ringing it up, ha!

For the table top, I wanted to re-purpose some old wood....but didn't have any handy.  I ended up just using pine & buying some stain.  I roughed it up a bit too so it didn't look quite so "new." I lacquered the crap out of the top once the stain dried too (follow instructions on your jar of lacquer, you have to wait a few hours between coats- I probably put 4 or 5.)

I used two pieces of wood going perpendicular to the top pieces to put the carriage bolts into (carriage bolts also purchased at Home Depot.)

If you wanted, you could use a glass top or even a chunk of granite or marble for the top.  I absolutely love this top though because I don't worry about water stains or scratches because it just adds to the charm :)

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